News Archive

Order Canvassing Election Returns

Nov 21, 2023

Order Canvassing Election Returns / Orden de Escrutinio de los Resultados Electorales / Lệnh Kiểm Phiếu Cho Cuộc Bầu Cử / 關於審核選舉結果的命令


Windfern Forest UD – Update for Election Day

Nov 6, 2023

The Board of Directors for Windfern Forest Utility District (Windfern Forest UD) would like to thank all the residents who have already cast their vote during early voting.


Windfern Forest UD – Open House Recap

Nov 6, 2023

The Board of Directors for Windfern Forest Utility District (Windfern Forest UD) would like to thank all the residents who came out and attended our Resident Educational Open House event on October 24.


NHCRWA Terminates Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan, Stage 1 Remains in Effect

Oct 31, 2023

The North Harris County Regional Water Authority is immediately terminating Stage 2 of its’ Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), due to reduced demand. Please keep in mind that Stage 1 of the DCP remains in effect. Stage 1 of the DCP is voluntary.


2023 Hurricane Preparedness for Windfern Forest UD Residents

Jul 28, 2023

The third named hurricane of the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season has formed in the South Atlantic, and while there have not been any threats to Texas yet residents of the Gulf Coast should stay prepared for an active hurricane season.

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